All of MY Friends
This little page is dedicated to all of my friends. They are always there for me. I love u guys!!
Jeffers: So what if you live really far away...
I still love you
and we are gonna have a blast this summer!! I can't wait to see you.
Paul: You are my little psycho. I can't wait for you to get a girlfriend you lonely little boy.
I hope you can keep your hands to yourself you......
Brandi: My best bud!!! We have been friends forever,
and fighting over Damion made us closer (how weird is that).
I got your back and I know u got mine.
Now you got...well I'm working on that one,
and I got a boyfriend but we will always have time for each other.
Home Page: none...yet.
Damion: No longer my boyfriend but
you are still the only reason I am still alive.
I don't know what I would have done without you.
Too bad you live so far away (45 min. is far for someone who has no car...or a liscence).
Well I will never forget you.
You meant more to me than anyone can imagine.
Home Page: none...yet.
Contact: can't tell ya.

This is my favorite picture of him.
Jenny: You are wild.
So many people think you are a perfect, quiet person,
but I say you are wild and weird (but then again i am weird too).
Hope we are friends forever!
Home Page: again...none...yet.
Contact: not allowed to tell ya.
Chad J.: You and Jenny would make such a cute couple but
I know you don't want to be forced into anything.
We had a good run and I will
never forget you.
You were there for me when no one else was (i will definitely never forget that).
Home Page: Hmm...have to find out.
Girls, click here to contact him cause I know you want to.
Nicole: My sis.
For real she is my sis but she is also my best friend.
We have done alot of stuff together (w/o my parents)and we always have a blast.
Love ya sis.
Home Page: i dont know.
Contact: dont ask.
Ashley: We have been friends for awhile.
We always have so much fun together.
You are so funny and Mike never deserved you.
I am gonna be in theatre class again next year,
so u better be in it again too.

Ashley and Michelle. Ashley, it's nice to see you have other friends.
Home Page: uh...grr...i can't remember the address now.
Bill and Lara: You two are too funny!!
Lara "go pee cheese", Bill "at least laugh for my sake".
You two have become part of my family.
I will miss you guys when you leave for college.
Home Page:
Bill's site
contact: Have to ask them.
Dana and Rik: You both are so nice and
I regret not getting to know you two better.
Dana would you please draw me some dragons to put up on my site.
I got two words for the two of ya "DUCT TAPE".

Aren't they so cute!
Home Page: I gotta find out if either of them have one.
Contact: ...?
Debra: So... it doesn't look like we are gonna be sisters sometime in the near future.
Oh well, we cant still pretend.
I know I haven't always been the nicest person to you but
I am not always nice to my other sisters either. :-)
Home Page: ...?
E-mail her!
Meghann: We haven't been good friends for very long but I feel like I can tell you anything.
Hope you and Justin stay together forever.
If you ever need someone to talk to I don't mind listening.
Home Page: She don't have one.
Contact: ...?
Chad M.: Wurd! Thanks for always listening to me.
I will miss you when you go to college.
Home Page: I don't think he has one.
Lauri: Dont remember how I first became friends w/ u.
Dont remember when either.
I have really appriciated the times u have listened to me.
Home Page: She is working on it.
Contact: I dont know.
Michelle: You are one of my newest friends.
I am very thankful for the support you have given me when it comes to directing.
I probably wouldn't have been able to stick with it if you and Ashley hadn't always been there for me.
Home Page: Um...?
Mandy: Manders!!
To bad Jordan turned out to be a jerk. Seems like all guys are jerks sometimes, some more than others.
Well you'll find a guy sometime.
I know I need to lay off the mt. dew.
Home Page: ?
Contact: well i'm not sure so...
Aleta: Your so naughty.
Home Page:??
Bill D.: Hmm... what can I say?
You've been there for me
more times than I can count.
I know I'm not the only girl you've done that for
but I still feel special.
Home Page:
Click here.
Contact: ...

Names from left to right.
Meghann Jenny Jessica Kirby Chad

RIK!!!! Doesn't he look like he is 12 years old? He is a senior.

I have a few other pictures of Damion and me but this one is the best one. can't sit in front of the computer any longer so if I haven't add you yet I will next time.
If you want me to add you right now
send me an e-mail and I will.
The Dungeon